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The Sundrive Track Team won the Elite National Team Pursuit title at Sundrive Velodrome on Monday night (August 30th) , pushing the defending champions ‘Torelli-Assure-Cayman Islands-Scimitar’ into the Silver medal position.

The Arcane Women’s Team assured themselves of a National Medal setting the fastest time with only two teams remaining.

The Sundrive Track Team then put themselves into the Gold, with only the UK based defending Champions Torelli-Assure-Cayman Islands-Scimitar to go.

The Torelli-Assure-Cayman Islands-Scimitar team were unable to overhaul the well drilled Sundrive four, and the new champions were delighted to regain their Title.

Elite National Team Pursuit 2021:

Gold – Sundrive Track Team

Silver – Torelli-Assure-Cayman Islands-Scimitar

Bronze – Arcane Women’s Team

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