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The burning question of today’s men and women is how to maintain balance in life. It is more like a bouncing ball, work- career- relationships- health- too much to cater to. That requires bumper energy. Energy pills are the best source herein. They miraculously boost the energy levels of all men and women. has got the best energy pills on the market.


Energy supplements are often put into doubt. People are dicy regarding its effects. After analyzing the recent researches on energy pills it has been found out that they are potentially good for humans. The best energy pills for men and women have far-reaching effects since they are rich in:

Coenzyme Q10: Branded as the best energy booster, CQ 10, is found in mitochondria. It enhances the exercise capacity of heart patients. Also, people with chronic fatigue syndrome can gain the advantage of this enzyme. The energy pill ‘Energy 30 servings’ accelerates the energy level of all hard-working men and women. It contains micronized free form amino acids, that help in faster absorption of proteins. Not only is it caffeine-free but also aids in the recovery of energy levels during, pre, and post extensive activity.

Creatine: Quite famous, creatine is found in human muscles. Creatine is not only good for increasing body mass but also for enhancing outdoor activity, athletic performance, and muscle movements. Creatine is a stress buster as well. ‘Micronized creatine’ available on is the best source of creatine. It boosts muscle strength and power, especially during work pressure.

DHEA: The best energy pills for men and women have dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Often called as ‘fountain of youth’, DHEA helps in the prevention of cancer, heart diseases, and infections. However, DHEA has certain cons and should therefore be used after consulting a doctor.

Ginkgo biloba: This energy-boosting supplement originated in China but is now widely used as a dietary supplement in the west. The Gingko Biloba impacts our thinking capacity, memory, mood, and vigilance. It can even calm your body so on those days when the workload is high try taking such energy pills that supply ginkgo Biloba and relax.

Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is indeed the classical, natural energy booster. Works best for anemic people and the ones with vitamin deficiency.

Guarana: Lastly we have guarana, the most organic source of caffeine. Substitute tea, and coffee with guarana. It keeps the energy level intact and sleeps in control. Talking of caffeine, has come up with a delicious energy supplement under the banner of ‘Green mint tea’. It is made with real tea, natural caffeine sources, and micronized free form of amino acids. Two scoops in cold water and you have the healthiest mint tea to get energetic.

To conclude, both men and women need an extra ounce of magic to cope up with this fast-paced, hectic lifestyle. Energy pills are the one-stop- solution to ease out all problems.

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