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By Bill Plock

Three Boulder cycling advocacy groups, the Boulder Mountain Bike Alliance (BMA), Community Cycles and Cyclists 4 Community (C4C) teamed up to offer ten incoming Boulder City Council candidates a chance to answer questions from cycling community leaders (pictured below). This was done via zoom and recorded for YouTube (link below)

The candidates were asked 18 questions on how they would handle certain issues related to cycling, access, infrastructure, land use, budget etc.

Questions like these were presented by each panelist. The video is organized by question.

It was an interesting forum and a glimpse of concerns and questions all communities face in regards to cycling. No doubt some questions were specific to Boulder but worth a listen even if you reside out of Boulder to get some ideas on the issues and how are handled at the city/county level.

Said C4C’s Bill Rigler, “one exciting outcome of this forum is that, for the first time, we have new members of Council coming on board who will not only know more about cycling-related issues than candidates have in the past (we heard from a lot of candidates that the forum really forced them to do their homework and get caught up to speed on a wide range of cycling issues), and that we’ll also be better positioned to now go to Council on issues of funding priorities, safety and enforcement, and more.

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