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Amino acids are vital nutrients for the human body. Amino energy supplements are made up of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon. They are the building structure of the protein. There are twenty amino acids in all, and each of them has its own function. These amino acids can be categorized as:

Essential amino acids

They are not produced in the human body and should be taken through food or supplements. There are nine essential amino acids, namely:

  • Histidine
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine

Nonessential amino acids

They are produced in the human body, and need not be taken through outside food or supplement. There are 11 nonessential amino acids, namely:

  • Alanine
  • Arginine
  • Asparagine
  • Aspartic acid
  • Cysteine
  • Glutamic acid
  • Glutamine
  • Glycine
  • Proline
  • Serine
  • Tyrosine

Conditional amino acids

Conditional amino acids, as the name implies, are condition specific. They are basically nonessential amino acids, which are produced only in certain conditions like illness. Conditional amino acids include:

  • Arginine
  • Cysteine
  • Glutamine
  • Glycine
  • Proline
  • Serine
  • Tyrosine

Lately, the benefits of amino acids have come into the limelight. This has led to the manufacturing of amino energy supplements. Let’s check out the perks of these supplements.


Perks of amino energy supplement

1. Improved recovery – To start with, amino energy supplements improve and speed up the recovery process after exercise. Amino supplements have the ability to increase muscle protein synthesis. Thereby they shield your muscles from damage. Hence, you get to recover from your workouts quickly. With amino supplementation, you can quickly go back to your routine. Plus, during this period of recovery, your muscle and fitness improve. So, amino supplementation aid your fitness progress.

2. Reduced muscle soreness – Amino supplements not just improve muscle protein synthesis, but also reduce muscle damage. Along with speeding up your recovery, amino supplements also lower muscle soreness that arises post strenuous workouts.

3. Improved sports performance – Next, amino energy supplements improve overall sports performance. This makes them an ideal supplement for athletes and bodybuilders. Amino energy supplements offer both physical and psychological benefits. They make your body respond better to your workouts. Plus they make your mind operate more efficiently during competitive events. As a result, your focus improves and you can make better decisions.

4. Guaranteed, balanced dosage – Amino energy supplements offer guaranteed, balanced dosages of amino acids. They offer a good quantity of BCAAs, that is branched-chain amino acids. They are a combination of three essential amino acids, namely leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Amino supplements suffice your needs for essential amino acids. They are easy to absorb and digest as well.

5. Improved muscle growth – Amino supplements improve overall muscle growth, which is the main aim of bodybuilders. Muscle growth is in fact one of the primary reasons why people take amino supplements. The amino acid, leucine, especially helps in regulating and improving muscle protein synthesis post-exercise. Together, the stress of your workout and the dosage of leucine, help your muscles to grow well. For best results, take the amino supplements after a workout.

6. Increased mental focus – Amino supplements offer physical and psychological benefits. They help in preventing the production of tryptophan, thereby improving your memory and processing abilities. Take amino supplements during a competition for better focus, and your success is guaranteed.

7. Muscle sparing – Exercise, in the beginning, damages your muscles. It leads to muscle rupture, fatigue, and sparing. Sometimes, the muscle is broken down to gather fuel for the body. It is hazardous. Muscles need high nutrients to recover and rebuild. Amino supplements offer the perfect source of nutrients for muscle recovery. This supplement reduces the chances of muscle sparing and builds stronger muscles. Even if a person is in a caloric deficit state, amino supplements will be beneficial. It will protect the muscle fibers from suffering too much damage.

8. Increased endurance – Studies have shown that amino energy supplements increase your endurance. They make your body use carbs and fat for fuel and energy purposes. This makes amino supplements beneficial for athletes, especially those who depend on short bursts of power like sprints. These people are at a high risk of glycogen depletion which will lead to exhaustion, fatigue, and a sharp drop in performance. However, with amino supplements, your glycogen stores remain intact, and you are saved from fatigue.

9. Greater fat burn – The method whereby amino supplements protect your glycogen level is by burning more fat. Amino acids make your body use fat, thus it keeps you in shape.

10. Reduced fatigue – With amino energy supplements you can never feel weak or fatigued. These supplements combat both physical as well as mental fatigue. They keep you energetic, active, and vigilant.

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