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How to Add Variety to Your Diet and Always Have Food On Hand

Better yet, how to always have food on the ready?

Watch this video to learn a handy tip to accomplish both.

We all get bored with eating the same old food day after day, and it’s easy to get stuck in a routine of making the same kind of meals.

What if I were to reveal to you an easy solution out of that rut, AND tell you how it will remove the hassle of meal prepping everything on Sunday for the week ahead?

What is this magic solution you ask? It’s all about how you make use of left-overs to use for different combinations, to make a whole new meal that’s original.

It starts with getting into the habit of cooking extra when you make dinner. This provides left-overs so you can build up a freezer stash to pull out later and combine with todays’ meal, for a whole new creation that’s original.

Watch the video for my example of combining tonight’s’ chicken with left-overs from a previous meal, throw in a few new items, and voila – a new dinner combo!

This is a very easy way to always have food on hand so you have meals that you never get bored of!

Want to learn more about how to eat smarter, and know exactly what you need to eat to reach your goals for better performance and health as an athlete or active individual?

Enrollment is open for The Sustainable Sports Nutrition Academy! Learn about this program which is based on science! Not fads. You’ll learn how to put together the correct diet and fueling plan for YOU, based on your needs and goals. This program is a compilation of my 10+ years of experience that has helped many people enhance their health and performance, and make lasting changes- plus it includes a workout plan… Check out everything that’s included!

Contact me any time to schedule a free 15-minute consultation, so we can discuss your particular situation and goals.

To get started and learn more, click HERE to schedule your FREE no obligation consultation! I’d love to talk to you and find out more about your goals and show you how I can help you get better at your sport and /or get healthier. Virtual Consultations available in the comfort of your home!

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