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The holiday season is the best time of the year – getting to celebrate with family and friends and getting a much needed break from work. Unfortunately, the holidays can also become stressful with last minute shopping, traveling, gifted baked desserts, and endless amounts of social gatherings that all center around food. Having a plan to stick to healthier habits around the holidays will allow you to enjoy the season while maintaining your health. Here’s 7 healthy habits to keep during the holidays.

Don’t Skip Meals

Skipping meals to “save” your calories for the main course is a common eating trend during holidays. Instead of “saving room” for your meal, be sure to consume your typical meals around the main course for that day, even if it’s a smaller portion. Eating before the celebratory meal time will decrease your chances of arriving too hungry and overeating.

Limit Grazing

During the holidays, it may seem like we are constantly around a full table of appetizers and desserts. Between these desserts, leftovers and a stocked fridge and pantry, it becomes easy to graze and snack throughout the day. Limit this by sticking to your normal routine of meals and a few dedicated snacks. This way you aren’t mindlessly eating throughout the day, or month!

Portion Control

Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed. Savor your favorite holiday dishes while sticking to smaller portions. Fill half of your plate with vegetables and fruit, a quarter of it with mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes, and a quarter of it with turkey, ham, or whichever protein source you prefer. It’s completely fine to indulge in dessert! I recommend choosing your favorite one, rather than trying several.

Don’t restrict yourself from foods you love. Instead, have these foods and avoid wasting room on your plate with extra foods you know are not your favorites. If there are multiple dishes you’re wanting to try, take them home for leftovers and spread it out throughout the week. You don’t need to try all 10 side dishes in one day!

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