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We were supposed to go see the latest e-bikes at CES this year, but for reasons that start with “C” and end with “OVID,” we stayed home and watched the show unfold through a computer screen.

The yearly CES show in Las Vegas is one of the world’s largest stages for consumer electronics companies to show off their latest and greatest. With record growth over the past several years, electric bikes and other micro mobility solutions were set to steal the show this year, and they did not disappoint.

From e-bikes with record-setting battery range to electrified ways to travel over snow, CES 2022 brought a number of new innovations and shined a very bright light on electric mobility. We may have missed the show in person, but we logged in virtually to see what brands were bringing to the table.

Here’s the cool new e-bikes and e-bike-adjacent things we missed playing with at CES 2022:

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