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Delays for the new international-standard velodrome in Dublin are creeping out ever further, according to the latest official update

The construction of the new international-standard indoor velodrome will definitely not begin in the first half of this year and the start of the building phase could be much further away.

The latest update from the Government shows the creeping delays for the new facility – a Sport Ireland project – continue to grow after construction was initially slated to begin last year.

According to a schedule for the project published in the first quarter of last year, commencement of construction was due to begin last August. That starting date would have followed other stages – such as a tender process and submissions being assessed.

However, now even those initial steps have been significantly delayed and the project is definitely going to be at least 12 months behind schedule and possibly more, according to the latest official update from the Department of Sport.

“In November 2022, the Government approved a new masterplan for the development of the Sport Ireland National Sports Campus,” the Department said of the plan to locate the shared velodrome and badminton facility in on the campus in Abbottstown in west Dublin.

“The masterplan provides a framework for the further development of the campus over the next 15 to 20 years and identifies the next key high-level projects for development.

“The first high-level project for delivery under the new masterplan is likely to be the National Velodrome and Badminton Centre which is specifically highlighted in the current National Development Plan.

“This project will address the need to provide world-class track cycling facilities for our athletes who currently have to travel abroad for both training and competition as well as providing the sport of badminton with integrated training, gym and medical facilities.

“Planning permission for this project was awarded by Fingal County Council in January 2023 and the project is now at pre-tender approval stage under the public spending code.

“Subject to further  engagement with the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform with regard to my Department’s capital funding allocations, it is expected the project could move to tender stage in the first part of this year.”

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