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It’s been awhile since I’ve done a product review! If you’re new to my site, you may enjoy my review and comparisons of whey and plant-based protein powders, or dairy-free yogurt options. Today, we’re covering store-bought salad dressings.

Which is the best store bought salad dressing? The most affordable, yet contains high quality ingredients? Eleat Nutrition Intern Nicole and I reviewed our top 7 salad dressing brands. What made these dressings stand out to us were the ingredients; each one contains whole food ingredients with minimal to no additives. Majority of these dressings also do not contain the top allergens such as wheat, egg, soy and dairy, which you’ll see pointed out in the “pros” section. Interested in making your own dressing at home? You’ll find a few of our favorites at the end!

This review is not sponsored in any way. I was not paid by these brands or compensated for this review.

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