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Bodybuilding supplements refer to dietary supplements specifically crafted for highly active people, like bodybuilders, athletes, and hard gainers. Bodybuilding supplements suffice the high nutrition needs of people. They contain all the essential macro and micronutrients. Bodybuilding supplements help in increasing muscle mass. They repair the torn muscles, boost energy, and speed up the recovery process after a workout. This article focuses on the supplements that one should choose when browsing online bodybuilding supplement stores in the U.S.A.


Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine monohydrate is the first and foremost product to buy in an online bodybuilding supplement store. It refer to a chemical naturally produced and present in the muscles. Creatine offers high energy to the body, especially during intensive physical work like weightlifting. Since bodybuilders need more energy, they should take extra creatine via supplementation. Creatine supplements come in the form of creatine monohydrates. They boost your energy and endurance. Creatine supplements also increase the availability of creatine and phosphocreatine. They speed up the recovery process between sets. Plus, long-term creatine supplementation improves resistance training, as well as overall performance and strength.

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

BCAAs refer to branched-chain amino acids. BCAAs include three essential amino acids namely leucine, isoleucine, and valine. It is good for bodybuilders because they help in muscle growth and strength. They offer quick relief from post-workout soreness and from muscle damage. BCAAs inhibit the body’s protein degradation. They also increase protein synthesis in the body. Experts recommend taking 100 milligrams of BCAAs per kg of body weight daily.

Weight gainers

Mass gainers, also called weight gainers are ideally for muscle gain. These supplements are perfect for bodybuilders. Mass gainers contain all the macronutrients namely protein, carbs, fats, and essential vitamins and minerals. Weight gainers increase muscle mass. They are recommended for bodybuilders, hard gainers, and skinny people. Mass gainers are calorie-dense. They keep you in a state of calorie surplus, that is, consumption of more calories than its usage. This calorie surplus mechanism is vital for people who want to gain weight. Mass gainers can provide up to 1000 calories. They are the most popular weight gain supplements. Mass gainers can be used as a pre or post-workout supplement. The high protein and carbohydrate content makes it responsible for high calories.

Whey Protein

Whey protein should definitely be carted in when browsing an online bodybuilding supplement store. It has high-quality milk protein. It is extracted from milk at the end of the curdling process. Whey protein is available as a dietary supplement in the form of a powder. You can mix it in water or milk and use it as a shake. Whey protein supplements are rich in BCAAs. They can be digested very quickly and are ideal for consumption after a heavy workout.


Glutamine is an important amino acid. It helps the body deal with the physical stress of strenuous bodybuilding. Glutamine helps in removing excess ammonia that can get collected in your body by exercising excessively. This excess ammonia creates an imbalance in the acid-base equilibrium in the body. Experts recommend taking 20-30 grams of glutamine per day including 10 grams of it post-workout.


Beta-alanine is again an amino acid. It is known for decreasing fatigue and improving exercise performance. It increases muscle mass when followed by an exercise program. Studies depict that taking 4 grams of beta-alanine per day for eight weeks increases lean body mass.  Beta-alanine mainly helps to support muscle gain.


HMB is elaborated as beta-hydroxy beta-methyl butyrate. It is a molecule that is produced when the body processes the amino acid leucine. HMB enhances the beneficial effects of protein and leucine. HMB has proven to decrease the breakdown of muscle proteins. Studies depict that untrained adults who took 3–6 grams of HMB per day saw an improvement in the lean body mass gain, coming from weight training.


Caffeine is a world-famous energy stimulant. It can be taken in the form of coffee, tea, or cocoa. It has proven to offer effective ergogenic aid in both endurance exercise and high-intensity activity. Caffeine improves strength performance. Caffeine decreases the rates of fatigue.

Fish Oils

Fish oil supplements are the ideal source of omega-three fatty acids. These supplements are beneficial for strength athletes and bodybuilders. They offer anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. We know that intense resistance training can lead to microscopic tears in the muscle fibers, which leads to muscle damage and inflammation. Excess inflammation is harmful to the body. It can delay the post-exercise recovery process. Various studies depict that omega-3 fatty acids decrease post-exercise muscle soreness. They speed up the recovery process and quickly make you ready for your next session. For best results, combine fish oil supplements with BCAAs and carbs. It will increase protein synthesis and lead to greater gains in muscle mass.

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