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Multivitamins are as essential for bodybuilders as food for a living. You may survive without food for a few days, but eventually, you will need it. Lack of food shall harm your body. Similarly, bodybuilders may work without the best multivitamins for bodybuilders a few days, but they will incur deficiencies and will ultimately need to take multis. Hence, it is best to take multis from the beginning of your bodybuilding program. In this context, I am going to list the most important bodybuilding multivitamins.


Vitamin D

Vitamin D often called the ‘sunshine’ vitamin, is vital for optimal health. It is essential for bone, teeth, and muscle health. Vitamin D is the best multivitamin for bodybuilders by strengthening their bones, and muscles. Vitamin D aids the absorption of calcium which maintains bone health. Then, vitamin D supports muscle growth and muscle recovery, which is crucial for bodybuilders. Vitamin D also helps in testosterone production. Thereby, it increases your training and exercise ability. Vitamin D aids protein synthesis also. Together, testosterone production and protein synthesis help in muscle growth.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is the best multivitamins for bodybuilders. It works as a strong immunity booster. It contains antioxidant properties, which prevent frequent diseases, flu, and infections. Also, vitamin C supplementation is advantageous for muscle growth and recovery. Plus, vitamin C controls the free radicals that are produced during strenuous exercise. By controlling the harmful free radicals, vitamin C enhances your training and recovery. The notable point about vitamin C is that it is water-soluble, that is, it does not stay in the body for a long duration. So, you have to take it daily.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is noted for its excellent antioxidant properties. Vitamin is beneficial for muscle recovery and performance. It protects the cells against damage caused by free radicals produced during exercise. Vitamin E shields the integrity of cells in the body by maintaining cell performance, muscle growth, recovery, and immunity. Vitamin E supplementation quickly flushes free radicals out of the body. Add to that, vitamin E controls the oxidation of LDL or “bad” cholesterol. Hence, it prevents plaque buildup in the arteries.


Magnesium is the next best multivitamins for bodybuilders. It is recommended for athletes and bodybuilders who perform long, intense bouts of exercise. Such people shed enough fluids including magnesium via sweat. It is necessary to maintain magnesium levels in the body because magnesium strengthens bones and the heart. On average level, a person needs 400 milligrams of magnesium per day. Maintenance of magnesium levels reduces the risk of diabetes and colon cancer. Above all, magnesium optimizes the results and performance of bodybuilders in and outside the gym.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 works as a great energy booster. It prevents fatigue, weakness, and lethargy. Vitamin B12 keeps you active and energetic. Thus, it improves your working capacity and performance. Vitamin B12 adds fuel to the human body to make it run. Also, it boosts hemoglobin and oxygen flow in the body. Vitamin B12 supplements come in easily digestible capsule form.


Beta-carotene is a plant-based version of vitamin A. It is free from toxicity and side effects. Beta carotene works as a fat-soluble vitamin. Thus, the human body can store it for long periods of time, unlike water-soluble vitamins. Beta-carotene is also known for its antioxidant properties. It helps in the recovery of muscles and controls the production of harmful free radicals.


Electrolytes can be defined as charged particles. They perform numerous functions within the body, amongst which the most important one is to regulate the production and usage of nutrients and fluids within cells and body tissues. Electrolytes, like a battery, charge your body and improve its functions. Bodybuilders work hard and sweat profusely which makes them lose electrolytes, especially potassium and salt.Taking electrolyte supplements will help the bodybuilders to regrow electrolytes. Electrolytes supplementation prevents electrolyte deficiency. Electrolyte supplementation also creates water retention in your muscles. Thereby it gives you a bloated look by enhancing your muscles. For best results consume electrolyte supplements that are higher in potassium. You can take electrolyte supplements in liquid form. They come as refreshing post-workout energy drinks.


Zinc is an essential mineral. It is a part of the main bodybuilding multivitamins. Zinc boosts a healthy blood supply, thereby supports proper muscle growth and recovery. Plus, zinc regulates cell growth. Zinc supplementation helps to heal wounds in bodybuilders, and promotes a healthy immune system. Zinc makes your body to use carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. As a result your body gets proper fuel to work to exercise. Zinc also enhances muscle recovery after harsh exercises like weight training. Zinc deficiency can lead to hypogonadism, that is testosterone deficiency. Since testosterone is important for building and gaining muscles, hence its deficiency will lower the overall performance and muscle growth. Experts recommend to take 11 milligrams of zinc for men and 8 milligrams for women.

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