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Question and answer with Erin Murphy of the Alba Development Road Team who says the Lincoln GP was the most fun to do “the atmosphere was amazing on the climb and I loved the cobbles”

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Q&A: Erin Murphy (Alba Dev Road Team)

Q: What is the biggest challenge training in the winter for you? IE, is it finding time to train in daylight hours? The weather? etc etc
Erin: I think the weather definitely has a big effect on training. It can take a lot to motivate myself to go out for hours in the bad weather and the cold sometimes.

Q: Do you get to train with others in the winter or is it mainly solo?
Erin: I do like to meet up with others for the longer hours in the saddle as it help the hours tick by faster but a lot of my riding is mainly solo

Q: What performances of yours in 2022 during the season help motivate you during the winter?
Erin: I think it’s a combination of the bad days in the saddle and the good days. Performances where things didn’t go my way help motivate me as I know how much I want to improve and become stronger and more efficient on the bike but I like to hold onto the good days where potential was showed.

Erin racing the windy time trial on the Isle of Man in the Manx International

Q: Also, the team had some great results in 2022, so which ones do you look back on fondly to provide that motivation to be at your best in 2023?
Erin: I think the team’s success in the Ras. We really came together as a team and worked together and it paid off. It was really good to be part of and a massive learning experience riding as a unit and looking after one another within the team.

Q: What was the best result/performance of yours in 2022?
Erin: I think the best ride for me last year was at the Lincoln GP.

Q: What were the things you learned in 2022 at races that you feel will help you in 2023?
Erin: 2023 was definitely a year of learning as in every race I was learning lessons whether it was from my teammates or from mistakes. I really learnt the importance of positioning and the impact it has.

Q: Being a Scottish team, how have you found the travel to events in 2022 – ie, are they restful or hard work?
Erin: I think being with the team really helped with travelling and made it quite restful. My legs tend to get a bit stiff travelling so I like to be down there the day before to loosen my legs off before racing

Q: What event was the most fun to do?
Erin: Definitely the Lincoln GP – the atmosphere was amazing on the climb and I loved the cobbles.

Q: What are the silliest things you remember from races in 2022?
Erin: Just all the little jokes and banter within the team

Q: There was racing in Scotland in the Tour Series and British champs, for those racing them, was there extra motivation being in Scotland?
Erin: I think having the British champs in Scotland combined with proper Scottish weather really added motivation of wanting to perform well.

Q: What are the key positives about being part of a team racing national events?
Erin: The opportunities and friendships definitely are the positives of the team and it just wouldn’t be possible in many ways without it. Having the opportunity to race at the top end whilst having fun; there’s nothing better.

Q: What was the toughest bike race you did in 2022?
Erin: Probably the Ras due to the number of stages and amount of climbing

Q: When are you aiming to begin racing in 2023?
Erin: I’m hoping that my season will start in the middle of March.

Q: Do you find the off season without racing a good thing or a boring part of the year?
Erin: I tend to find it quite boring and start to miss riding alot but it also helps motivate me for winter training.

Q: Finally, what are your key goals for 2023?
Erin: My key goals are to carry on developing as a rider and use all the lessons I learnt in 2022 combined with being stronger to hopefully be in races more and at the pointy end of things but also helping and working with the other girls in the team.

Good luck Erin in your races in 2023 and look forward to seeing you at many of them


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