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Brother UK will remain at the side of elite British cycle sport in 2023 as a sponsor of two Elite Development Teams and two international races delivered by Sweetspot Group as well as VeloUK.

News: Brother UK Continues to Sponsor Cycling

Brother UK will remain at the side of elite British cycle sport in 2023 as a sponsor of two Elite Development Teams and two international races delivered by Sweetspot Group as well as VeloUK. The Manchester-based technology business is synonymous with top-level domestic road racing, providing teams, riders and events with essential financial support.

#atyourside – Brother UK’s MD, Phil Jones MBE, chatting to Sammie Stuart at the Manchester Tour Series in 2022

In 2023, Brother UK will extend its title sponsorship of Team Brother UK – LDN, which will become known as Hutchinson – Brother UK, and Team Brother UK – Orientation Marketing. The two women’s squads were prominent last season, recording victories in The Tour Series and podiums in the National Road Series. Additionally, Brother UK will remain the Official Print and Results partner of the Tour of Britain and The Women’s Tour. It will continue to serve both races as presenting partner of the Green Zones, too. The company’s sustainability commitments have earned a host of independent accreditations, including two Queens Awards.

Brother UK will also remain at the side of VeloUK, providing crucial financial support that allows VeloUK to be at bike races up and down the country in 2023 starting this weekend at the Cyclopark round of the National Trophy Cyclocross. “Quite simply, without the support of Brother UK, I would not be at half the races or more that I will be this season such is the importance of their support of my website, VeloUK” says publisher Larry Hickmott

Brother UK Managing Director, Phil Jones MBE, said: “Brother UK is proud to remain at the side of elite British road racing in 2023. In more than ten years as a sponsor, we’ve witnessed significant changes in the domestic scene. The emergence of a highly-competitive women’s peloton has been a major development and a positive change. We know that the talent pipeline connecting the British women’s peloton to the UCI Women’s WorldTour needs strengthening if the best domestic riders are to progress regularly to the professional ranks. By continuing to invest in two Elite Development Teams for women in 2023, we hope to see that happen.”

Brother UK has concluded its sponsorship of Tony Barry’s neutral service support crews. The company maintains its excellent relationship with Tony, to whom it has donated almost all of the equipment purchased with its prior investments. Tony has pledged to continue providing neutral support for Britain’s elite domestic road races. “We worked closely with Tony for more than ten years and have fantastic memories of the riders and races we supported. Particular highlights include numerous National Championships and the 2021 Women’s Tour and Tour of Britain, where Neutral Service p/b Brother UK served professional pelotons of world-class riders,” Phil Jones MBE said.

“This year’s shortened calendar of national events has led us to evaluate the ongoing costs of sponsoring the service as the cars were due to be renewed and the service bike fleet required replacement. This would have been a costly exercise and hard to justify in domestic racing’s current climate. I’ll miss seeing the liveried Brother vehicles on the road. I know Tony will continue to bring his expertise and commitment to the scene during 2023 and beyond, as he has done in the past.”



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