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Kevin McCambridge has been very unlucky today in Belgium, though the season is still in its early stages and he has time to recover (Photo: Edith Lebleu)

Kevin McCambridge has taken a heavy fall racing in Belgium on his debut outing with new team Trinity Racing. The 20-year-old suffered broken bones in both arms when he crashed in this morning’s TT stage at Le Triptyque des Monts et Châteaux.

The Irish U23 TT champion had completed stages 1 and 2, on Friday and Saturday, and went into a split stage of action today, with an 11.4km TT in the morning and a 95.7km road stage to follow this afternoon.

Unfortunately he crashed in the TT stage and was unable to finish, meaning he took no further part in the four-stage race. Instead, he was taken from the crash scene in Wodecq to hospital for checks.

The latest update has confirmed he suffered broken bones in both arms, with his wrists apparently taking much of the impact of the crash and McCambridge suffering multiple fractures around the wrists.

He also suffered a nasty knock to his head and face, requiring eight stitches to his face, while he was also left suffering with concussion.

We wish him well and we’ll have a chat with him when he gets back on his feet.

First-year U23 rider Darren Rafferty was also riding the race; the Irish junior champion competing in just his second stage race for Hagens Berman Axeon. We’ll have more on his ride shortly.

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