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Adam Gilsenan on the way to a well-taken win in the junior race in Knockaderry

By Liam Coates

Adam Gilsenan of Italian club CC Canturino made his presence known in the National Road Series today after missing the first race in Carlow last month.

The 18-year-old rider crossed the line solo just seconds ahead of an 11-man chasing group. Patrick O’Loughlin of Panduit Carrick Wheelers and Niall McLoughlin of Westport Covey Wheelers – who won the last event in the series – led the bunch sprint that followed for 2nd and 3rd.

The victory marks a return to form for Gilsenan, who had an unlucky accident at a roundabout in the Gent Wevelgem race in March, wiping out his chances of a good result on the European stage. It will also be seen as vindication for the work he put in last year while training and racing in Italy.

Speaking after the race, Gilsenan said he was “happy out” with his performance, but “it was a hard course to get away on. Nothing really stuck.” With about 5k to go, though, he made a well-timed attack and managed to come out in front.

Early breakaways in the race fizzled out as the group worked together and caught up, managing to stay together right until the final lap, when Gilsenan made his move.

More to come on the National Road Series…

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