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Ciaran Cannon TD, well known as an advocate for cyclists, is suing the driver who was involved in the crash when he was knocked off his bike and badly injured during a charity bike ride.

Mr Cannon had previously vented his frustration at the fact his case did not result in any prosecution. He said at the time it was “time to put in place specially trained Gardai who will adjudicate expertly on road traffic violations using video evidence submitted via an online portal”.

A former junior minister, and current TD for the Galway East constituency, Mr Cannon is seeking at least €60,000 in compensation for the crash in 2021 as he has lodged his case with the High Court rather than the Circuit Court. The minimum threshold for the High Court is damages of €60,000.

Cannon was hit by the SUV driver two years ago during a charity cycle near Clifden, Co Galway. He required surgery on his leg after being driven into as he suffered a tibial plateau fracture.

He was cycling 600km, from Mizen Head to Malin Head in 24 hours, in aid of the children’s charity Hand in Hand, at the time. When riding through the village of Moycullen on the evening of Friday, July 2nd, a driver in an SUV turning right drove into him.

Mr Cannon shared the CCTV footage of the crash in April, 2022, when he learned the DPP had decided the footage was “not sufficient to secure a prosecution”. The video depicts Mr Cannon cycling close to the kerb and being hit when the oncoming driver turns right across traffic, and into a side street, hitting Mr Cannon on the junction.

#Ciaran #Cannon #suing #motorist #involved #crash #Video

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