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A rider with a lot of experience of Women’s racing, Amy Gornall (Pro-Noctis Redchilli Bikes Heidi Kjeldsen) who now lives in Scotland, takes the VeloUK quiz

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Q & A: Amy Gornall

A rider with a lot of experience of Women’s racing, Amy Gornall (Pro-Noctis Redchilli Bikes Heidi Kjeldsen) who now lives in Scotland, has been racing since she was 13 years old, making it 11 years pedalling a bike in races. Here is her Q&A

Q: How did you come to race bikes?
Amy: Racing is part of my family and I was brought up on a bike. After spending many weekends out on the bike and watching races, I decided to give racing a go.

Q: How difficult was 2020 with little racing or did it give you time to reset, refresh and focus on 2021?
Amy: Once it became quite apparent that racing for 2020 was to be limited to no racing, I started just riding my bike for fun with no structured training for a few months. I loved the break and I think it made my 2021 better for it.

Q: Do you think you came out of 2020 stronger, the same or less strong as you were before that season of no races?
Amy: I would say going into 2021, I was as strong as I normally am starting a new season. I always need a few races in the legs to get ‘race fit’.

Q: What was the highlight of your racing in 2021?
Amy: I would say 2021 with Pro-Noctis Redchilli Bikes Heidi Kjeldsen as a whole was a highlight, being able to race as part of such a supportive team is amazing. I really enjoyed the Tour Series as it showed how much each rider was willing to put in for a team result.

Q: What race in your career is the one that still gives you the biggest buzz?
Amy: Throughout my years racing, I have probably have two races which I just love. Firstly is Tour de l’Ardeche, it has to be the best stage race I have even raced. Secondly would be Tour de Yorkshire, amazing crowds and support in Yorkshire.

Q: The team has been very successful in 2021, what event was the most fun to do with the team?
Amy: With an incredible first year for the team, each event brought a great team atmosphere, unusually, I found Tour Series really enjoyable.

Q: Is there a routine to traveling to an event with the team; ie, do you travel with them or get to an event yourself?
Amy: As I live north of all the races, I tend to meet the team at the team accommodation or the race.

Q: What’s the furthest you have traveled for a bike race in 2021?
Amy: The furthest I traveled in 2021 for a bike race was Banbury, just over six hours of travelling

Q: If a young rider asked you to describe how a national level women’s road race unfolds, is there a common way the races are raced or does that depend on the course?
Amy: Each race is slightly different depending on the terrain but UK races frequently finish with a bunch sprint.

Q: During a race, is there a lot of team talk between you and teammates on what to do in certain situations during an ever changing race?
Amy: I would say there is enough communication. The team meeting before the race gives everyone the information required for the race and we will communicate as needed to see how everyone is feeling and how the race is panning out.

Q: Do you go into a race nervous or intimated by other riders or do you have the confidence to hold you own?
Amy: I don’t often get nervous for many races anymore. I know what to expect from most of the races now. The times I do get nervous are when I have targets at a certain event.

Q: How much training (hours and/or days) do you do in a given week in winter and summer when you are racing?
Amy: Training hours fluctuated throughout the year, winter consist of longer miles and then throughout the summer short training when the race calendar is busy .

Q: Do you train on a training bike or the race bike …
Amy: Winter bike for training with the bad weather – mud guards are a must!

Q: Do you cross train at all; running, swimming, gym or other disciplines like MTB
Amy: I do training in the gym. And dog walks!

Q: Where is your favourite training ride?
Amy: At the moment I am still exploring some roads in Scotland but I do enjoy one of the local climbs called Dunning Glen

Q: What type of race suits you best?
Amy: Undulating

Q: What are your tips for staying warm on a long winter ride?
Amy: Layers and good overshoes

Q: What are goals for 2022
Amy: Enjoy a full year of racing

Good luck to Amy in 2022 …

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