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A warning has been issued to cyclists and organisers in Ireland about unsanctioned leisure events and issues that may arise with them when it comes to insurance (Photo: Pavel1964)

Cycling Ireland members who rider leisure events – meaning sportives or charity riders – are not covered by their usual insurance policy if the event they are taking part in has not been sanctioned by the national federation.

The situation, with some events going ahead outside of the umbrella of Cycling Ireland sanction, has caused the national governing body to issue a warning to riders, and event organisers, about the lack of insurance cover.

The organisation has urged any rider taking part in an event that is unsanctioned to make to checks to establish of the leisure event they have entered has put its own insurance arrangements in place in the event crashes occur.

And it has also said if a Cycling Ireland member – all of whom are covered by the national governing body’s insurance – takes part in an unsanctioned event, issues may still arise between the two insurers if the unsanctioned event has alternative cover in place.

To ensure members are fully covered, we would advise you check the Cycling Ireland website to ensure the event is in fact run under Cycling Ireland Insurance, and therefore you are fully covered in line with our polices as detailed on our website,” said Cycling Ireland’s sports and operations director Paul Watson.

“Clubs wishing to ensure that their event is a sanctioned Cycling Ireland event, covered under Cycling Ireland insurance, must apply as normal through the Cycling Ireland website – which will lead them to our Cycling Ireland-Eventmaster portal, where their risk assessments can be uploaded.

“Entries can then be taken for the event through this portal which will ensure all persons entering the Leisure Event are covered with Cycling Ireland Insurance. Click here for more information on event applications.

“Clubs should be aware that promotion of unsanctioned events excludes them from Cycling Ireland indemnity for that event. Therefore, Cycling Ireland strongly advise clubs to ensure they are fully covered to only promote sanctioned Cycling Ireland events.”

The national governing body has urged anyone with questions on this issue to get in touch with them for clarity.

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