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Aichlinn O’Reilly, from Westport in Co Mayo, is clearly buzzing after his sensational Ironman in Australia at the weekend but he needs sponsors to continue making progress

Having stepped up very significantly in his sporting career in Australia at the weekend, Aichlinn O’Reilly says he now believes he has proven he can compete among the Ironman pros. The Mayo man was delighted to break the Irish record, becoming the first Irishman to go under eight hours.

And the fact he could break that marker having only quit his job as a window cleaner seven weeks ago to train full-time has simply added to his confidence. He is now looking for sponsors so he can continue his full time approach, especially sponsors in Australia where he is now based.

He said becoming the first Irishman to break the eight-hour mark was “something that I’m incredibly proud of”.

“What makes me even more proud is that this was achieved off the back of just seven weeks of full time training,” he added. “Before this 7-week training block I was working 3 to 4 days a week window cleaning along with trying to fit in my training.

“Everyone else I was competing against are full time professional athletes with sponsors to support them. I truly believe that I have shown I have the necessary qualities to compete at the highest level as a professional triathlete.

“In order to fulfill my potential I need some additional financial support to allow me to dedicate more of my time and energy to training and recovering.

“I’m wondering does anyone have any business contacts that might be interested in supporting me on this journey. I know sponsorship is a two-way street and I have to be able to provide value as well.

“I have gained lots of media attention all across Ireland as well as gaining the attention of the Australian triathlon community along with the Irish diaspora in Australia. I am building a social media following while staying true to myself and where I can promote a business big or small.

“I am also open to any other types of promotion that may be asked of me. Please reach out if you have any potential leads or tips in Ireland and Australia.”

O’Reilly, who has competed at home for Newcastle West Cycling Club and is a former overall winner at Rás Maigh Eo, was competing in Busselton Ironman in Western Australia, where he produced a lifetime best competing in the pro category.

He was 6th in the race, which he competed in a time of 7hrs 59mins 4secs, making it to the line under the eight-hour marker, dislodging former cyclist Bryan McCrystal as Irish record holder.

O’Reilly (28), from Westport, did the 3.9km swim in 47:46 before completing the 180.2km bike leg in 4:11:31 and then completed his race with a marathon run of 2:54:13.

#Window #cleaner #broke #Ironman #Irish #record #OReilly

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